~God Jul ! Christmas Letter from LENA~スウェーデンからのクリスマスレター🎄



The first snow has fallen already two weeks ago and the same time the temperature fell to -20C in the Stockholm area. This is quite unusual this time of year but happens now and then. More common is that the really cold temperatures and snow arrives early January, and normally we have about 5-10 minus.

The snow gives a very Christmassy feeling and adding all the lights people have in their gardens it feels like a fairytale. In Sweden, and I think all of Scandinavia the Christmas lights has traditionally been turned on starting with 1th of Advent meaning forth Sunday before Christmas eve the 24th.  Since only a few years ago the lights has started to turn on a few weeks before that, when the daylights more drastically disappears.


I guess you do not have anything like Advent in Japan? It is from beginning a German tradition that is very strong in Scandinavia. We have candlesticks with room for four candles, often these are pimped with natural moss and pinecones. The forth Sunday before Christmas eve the first candle is lighted. Second Sunday the second candle etc. until the forth of Advent where all candles are lit so the angle of the candles looks like a staircase.


This winter we are saving a lot of electricity mainly because of the terrible war in Ukraine. Sweden has got a lot of natural sources for electricity from water, but we need to help rest of Europe that is less fortunate now when import from Russia is banned. This mean that we lower the temperature in our houses which saves a lot. Average savings on energy are until now up to 18%. A number that is very impressive.

Christmas lights with LED lamps uses so little so there is not much to save from not using them so the Christmas spirit is spread everywhere, just a bit colder indoors…  


Friday the shops will be filled with people shopping for their Christmas ham that is grilled in the oven covered with mustard, breadcrumbs and cloves. This is them main dish on the Christmas dinner table together with salmon, herring, meatballs, sausages and a special oven baked dish called ‘Jansons Frestelse’ that is fine sliced potato, onion, anjovis and lots and lots of cream.

From all of us here at Wexthuset to all of you: We wish a Merry Christmas!









ただ、クリスマスのLEDライトはそこまで 電力を使わないので、クリスマス気分がなくなることはありません。ただ部屋はちょっと寒すぎるけど。。。


そのハムがクリスマスディナーのメインディッシュとなり、その周りに、スモークサーモン、ニシンの酢漬け、ミートボール、ソーセージと 「Jansons Frestelse(ヤンソンズフレステルス)」という薄切りポテトにアンチョビ、玉ねぎとたっぷりのクリームでオーブンで焼き上げた特別な一皿が囲みます。





- Lena Ljungquist


Nordic Urban Gardening Store

